Medley Lifting Introduces the Cause of Crane Chain Rust < br />.
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & Medley lifting chain after a period of time, we will find the occurrence of rust, severe and even affect the normal lifting belt operation, how does this rust occur?

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Next, Medley's crane will introduce to us the factors that cause the corrosion of the crane chain:
1. During the production of lifting chains, the company did not strictly treat the parts of lifting chains in the process of processing and the products of lifting chains after installation according to the requirements of clean anti-rust regulations and oil seal anti-rust packaging. For example, lifting chains touch corrosive liquids or gases.
2. The quality of rust-proof lubricating oil and clean oil used by the company in production can not meet the requirements of technological rules.
3. As the quotation of the crane chain steel drops again and again, the raw material of the crane chain steel declines gradually. For example, the high content of non-metallic impurities in steel (the increase of sulfur content in steel reduces the anti-rust function of data itself), and the deviation of metallographic arrangement, etc. It is found that the chain steel used by the production company has more origins than miscellaneous steel raw materials.
4. In some companies, the environmental conditions are poor, the harmful substances in the air are high, and the turnaround site is too small to carry out useful anti-rust treatment. In addition, the hot weather, production workers violate anti-rust regulations and other scenes exist.

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